Thursday 2 February 2012

Spiritual War

Dreams, Night Visions, Visions, Prophesies
The Spirit of God is always present for the saints in all dreams. His reaction to it depends on the season and the will of God as necessity arises. Even when his people find themselves in hell they cannot be separated from Him. There is no hell hole too deep for God to reach out to His child. The following are some of the functions of the spirit of God:(A previous chapter deals extensively with dreams.) Demonic dreams have no prophetic significance. Neither can they affect ones life. They are only active as they last, and defeated once they cease.
  1. He wields the sword: On most occassion you have vomited your sweet words, and cant speak anymore. With the spirit of God is power to reclaim and overtake the devil in his own nets and pits. Its important to take full advantage of such power while its present.
  2. He fights the ill creations to provide a way out. 

In our sleep, we let go of worries, and is detachment with the physical, allowing interaction with the spiritual. when the two are concurrent, its called a vision. Vision is seeing in the spiritual while aware of the physical. All must be tested. there is the word test, the personality test, and the seasons test.

Progression into some of these places are like to the story of the passion that leads to a cross scene. It all started with betrayal with a kiss, a deceptive fellowship whose price was the thirty pieces of silver and  which resulted in a beat down at the hand of the soldiers, and ended up with the crucifixion, but not before the parting and throwing lots with the vesture/garments of the crucified as a price.

Weird and even straight outrageous, most of which are, should be ignored. Ignore anything set in darkness, purposeless or seemingly not heading any where. Don't bother searching for interpretations of such vanities, and no need to impute on them any meaning beyond he sleep time. Eating, giving birth, running, or fearing for no particular reason are among'st some of these vain illusions and all fall to this category. They do not signify covenants or curses, as many impute to them. Once one is saved, they are no longer under bondage of curses. If something tries to choke the life out of you in your sleep, turn over the other side and have a good nights sleep. Fear is a major contributor to some of these attacks so try keeping it far. Another contributor, a major one is arising in vengeance or war when there is no power. That tends to expose one to such attacks. Sometimes all one needs is to relax. If possible, when anxiety starts knocking, get an entire season of a good quality hit series and watch it. Get busy and step back from throwing powerless punches as you wait for the right season of offence. The right season is the time of glory - oh...yes..The sudden joy and glory is for fighting. Its a sword, the power of God to make war.  When you confront a situation during a dream, know that power is present to make war with the offending principality. Some times there is just enough power to escape from its imposition on your otherwise peaceful sleep. That is a victory in itself, no matter how "dangerous" it might have looked. Remember the angels of God are right there with you - even in bondage.

After all negative experiences, in dreams and in person even in life, rebuild the torn walls. There are the protective garments or the seals that are a covering to all. If it is fear, cast it out. Then rebuild by speaking to your self in positivity, the blessings and gifts of God covering you. This is actually the function of prayer - repairing garments worn out by so much vanity. The vanity strips away the glory of men. That's its purpose.