Monday 18 March 2013


The departure of light out of the world is prophesied by Christ(John 12:35-36), the prophetic act of the same being the actual crucifixion of Christ. On His death, darkness filled the earth and he was dead for three days. There are three and a half days in the prophesies of Daniel(12:11) from the time the sacrifice is taken away from the temple to the time of desolation. The hour of darkness was also experienced on the day of the first passover celebration(Exodus 12:13,14,) on which date was the death of Christ(John 13:1). The next passover, as signified by these example should therefore be on the deliverance of this age from the rule of the powers of darkness prophesied in Revelation 1:5,  whereby those entering the life of glory are those who let go of their lives(yielding to God as a living sacrifice John 12:35-36,) This shall be the hour of darkness.

The departure of light is also relayed in the revelation as a word to the angel of the church of Ephesus. The Seven candlesticks represent the seven Churches(Rev 1:20), the candle being a a source of light(Rev 2:5). This is because we are the light of the world(Refer to the power of the ark of the covenant). The light are the works(The sacrificial gifts of men to God as opposed to religious activities) which must shine before men. The presence of this light is also as a result of the gifts of God, which we first receive by grace, and added as we enter into fellowship with God, which would be the offerings of our bodies, as the temples of God. Christ, who lives in us, is the light of the world(John 1:4-5,9). The light is a by product of an offering of oil  for lighting of the temple.This is the offering that the five foolish virgins of Christ's parable missed. This light is also the glory of God, and where the glory of God is, there is power, for out of His fulness we receive favor upon favor(John 1:16). The glory of God can therefore be defined as a/the gifts of God.

Every assignment has a specifically assigned angel(refer to the ark of the covenant). This is why all the lamps of the revelation had a corresponding star(Rev 1:20) representing the angels of the churches. The presence of the angels meant that the power of the assignment from God was present for the churches. When the angels are removed, so is the power of their assignment.

At the hour of darkness, the prince(angel) of the covenant is broken in battle by a vile King(Daniel 11:22,30). The invading King goes on to pollute the sanctuary. The guardian angel of the covenant is taken out of the way(Daniel 11:31) and instead of the normal acceptable sacrificial offerings of the temple, an abomination starts to proceed as an offering. Iniquity is an abomination (Psalms 53:1). Now previously, there was oil as an offering, giving forth light. This absence of light by reason of the absence of the sacrifice, is the hour of darkness. The hour of darkness is a time of bondage, and a season of war for the saints. The exasperation of the situation by the abominable offering results to a desolation. This is corruption of the flesh, and the wicked who lack understanding of the things of God stumble(Daniel 11:32,12:10). They elect, because they know their God and are therefore do not partake of the corruption and deception and have a little help(a residual power) that helps them, even when they fall. The take over of this sacred place of offering is also referred to as the scattering of the power of the holy people(Dan 12:7).

To end the hour of darkness, God Assigns a great angel, the prince Michael(Dan 12:1) who delivers everybody "written in the book." The ensuing victory leads to the restoration of the perfect sacrifices of righteousness(Psalms 46:8-10) upon the earth. This time of vengeance and victory is foreseen by many prophets too(Joel 2:18-32, Isaiah 51:18-21, Micah Chapter 4, Zephaniah1:7-10, Haggai 2:5-9, Malachi 3:1-5,4:1-3 among many others.)

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