Wednesday 11 July 2012


A witness account (Necessary to place current times in a perspective, a season, and for preparation of the things likely to follow)
The spiritual things and places are synchronized, working toward a common goal. The good thing is that nothing in these high places is by chance. All that is and has happened is set out - the beginning from the end. All the seasons and times in the heavens were set out in the plan and word of God. The following witness accounts are sighting in the spiritual high places. It is a direct reflection of the happenings at the time of the record. The times are provided as recorded.

Recorded in the year 2005,date and month unrecorded.
This was the first wave of the flood gate of the sword of the Spirit of God upon the spiritual Kingdoms of this world.The down pour emanated from a high mountain that seem juxtaposed to the targeted lands, that seem situated in the mid-south of the Americas. Th dwellers of the lands seem caught off-guard and it created a buzz over the lands. They did not know it was the Hand of God. But the witness did, and it was being executed by a great angel  and by at least two prophetic personalities that seem to be the old testament prophets. The effect of the waves flowing down the mountain was a scorched, barren earth, but it was actually empowering and refreshing to Gods sons.The angel had not much to say, no warning  just "live right, Godly, and goodly". This was the start of a heavenly battles that would increase according to other witnessed accounts.

Recorded, 30/12/09
In the heavens again, not sure what the beings these were exactly, but the witness referred to and knew them as gods. Though in the likeness of men, their statures varied according to the authority and powers they exuded. They were holy. Another, evil and smaller, but powerful appeared to contend against these, and to provoke them to war. The greatest here of the holy ones attempted to stop him, but he got away. He was skilled in battle too, and went to get the rest of his evil warriors to make war. This would come in a later period, but it would be felt in the physical realm. The specific time was unspecified. Meanwhile, the holy gods departed to take care of some of them, which were children who could not fight. They were taking them to a secure place, away from harm. There a supernatural power would shield them.

Darkness reigns over the earth. There is a new principality in power, a new that is also an ancient. They are powers of a previous age. This is for two reasons. Fist, they are the sword of God against the nations/ principalities of the current age and second, they are hearing the gospel as a witness against them for the first time. This is why our times are very interesting. 

Sighting 9/1/10
This was a narration about Africa. Along time ago, when the earth was yet fertile, the rain was not held back, and to moisten the whole land, a river passed through its length to water the land. But the land was shaken, rivers changed courses, and in the place of the river became a dry, infertile and unproductive valley. In this same valley are built cities of rebellion. Now the times are coming to a fullness and there will be another change. The river will flow again, the fertility of the land will return, and the flow will be so mighty, the places of occupation by the rebellious in its way will be swept away, some submerged, those built upon the riverbed.

27/1/11 record.
Heavy warfare in the greater kingdom of the south. This was also the first sighting of the new King of a spiritual place called Babylon, as he followed the sword with an imposition of himself over the lands, many smaller kingdoms of the south too. This trouble went on and impacted specific nations even in the natural world. The relation of the new King and the subdued has been of constant revolt and imposition. The south bears a greater scourge of this battle because greater power has been given to the new king.

March 3/3/2012
Spiritual wars go on as new spirits are let lose from a dark abyss - sort of a hollow in the earth. They look shadowy, dark  shadows of some men of stature. They were of a considerably large number.

A tussle in the south in what seem like a castle. A new more powerful queen sought to displace a local one. She lost the first round and came again, over powered the castle and occupied it and displace the earlier ruler.

7/6/12 sighting 
A red fire-like horse (seem to be attached to the horseman) on a chase against all the greatmen/rulers of the earth. All seem they were being rounded up, heading into a specific place, all in fear of the horseman and at war with each other at the same time.

Considering the happenings, use the revelations to figure out the times we are living in, and to acknowledge the power of the hand of God over these matters.


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