Tuesday 20 November 2012


There are always moments of glory even within the heaviest seasons of spiritual attacks(This one being one of them.) God always provides breaks, like a lull in the eye of a storm, to enable some time to re-energize. This is the time of glory, when for a while, God glorifies man. The glory of men(as referred to in the psalms) sings.

Some of us are imprisoned, and you can feel the season of war. When God releases His Glory, Which is His power, You may also feel a song rising from your belly, sometimes its a time of peace, a word of God or an Idea to start wielding the sword of the spirit in battle.  The idea may come without a word, and if so, use the word of God, with the prophets and the psalms being my favorite. Either way, do not be too drunk in wine(the good feeling of the glory) and forget to harvest as the glory of God is plenty and His angels are prepared for war. Some times it is just a time to stock up to the rest of the season. It depends on the availed counsel from God.

This is a battle for the Kingdoms of this world,(Daniel 7, the saints take over from the powers of darkness and righteousness reigns,) so expect drastic changes in the spiritual atmosphere when the victory will be finalized. This is a time of glory in a season of bondage.