Monday 25 February 2013


Know ye not, that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost? The righteous dwell in the tabernacle/ the holy hill(Ps15:1-5). The tabernacle is also the shield of God. 
"Though wilt bless the righteous, with favour will though compass Him as with a shield."(Ps 5:12)
The favour refers to the manifold grace of God, covered as His gifts to men, which is actually a giving of Himself.. This is the hetritage of His people(Ps 16:5,6). The riches of the wicked on the other hand;(Ps 17:14.) have a short lifespan, and are lost in the end. Actually, at the end of this age.

The tabernacle is also refered to as the shield of Gods salvation(Ps 18:35). It therefore protects against attacks in times of warfare. It is also the "guarding strength"(Ps 18:39) which means, the power of God. This is why The Character of God in Men is more important especially now. It is not just work, but the secret of the power of the saints. For this reason, Gods power comes laced with HIS Character(Find them in His gifts to men). This is one of the simplest and most ignored ways of discerning the good from the evil. For example, power can be manifested in through joy(Ps 21:1, where the King is expressing joy in the strength of God. This is the importanc eof those moments of glory in times of war. Power is also in the voice of God, Ps 28:4, which is the counsel of God that one must wait for before going to war. This was the principle inherent in the times of the earlier battles of Israel. Peace from God has power - refered to as strength in psalms 29:11. The same with praise, hence, "the glory of men sings(Ps 30:12)." When God glorifies men, a song rises from within.