Sunday 27 July 2014


We live in a world where every aspect of our lives is bound by law. This is the age of institutionalization through laws, made to hide the taskmasters, rulers of men. Our society has transformed into a worldwide corporation, necessitating us all to stop our lives as they were to come together to produce goods that for the same reason, we have learnt to need. As craft that was previously household specific was commercialized and mass produced in what we now call school, other important virtues of humanity have been forgotten. 

The more power we give to institution, though seemingly to protect ourselves from the errors of men, the more opportunities for the expression of human kindness we forfeit. We have ceded too much "power" to institutions. This includes the church, in its strict legal being as an institution. Other culprits are the state, companies, international conventions and governmental institutions. 

The state is bringing up children, besides educating, housing and feeding men. This has bred a cold, inhumane generation, bred solely to be an endless supply of labour, among other things that the same institutions depend on men for. 

For the reason of our conditioning and breeding, right and wrong have become institutionalized too. When making decisions, we often revert back to our conditioning. What our education has taught us. What is presented as right is not necessarily righteous before God. Neither is what is presented as the truth, and godliness.When thinking of how to treat our neighbour, we first think of what the law is in our favour. This is because the law of men has been presented as being at par with the laws of God. We need to awake from this deception.

Not all power wielden by men is bad. Mercy, love, patience, empathy, faith, self control, peace, hope, goodness, Godliness, gentleness and most important, righteousness are all powers given by God to men. Institutions do not have the same powers. They are incapable of mercy. It is therefore easy easy to forget these virtues of humanity when reasoning in the manner of our laws, governments and offices. The word of God remains firm. If the laws and institutions demand or sanction a thing that is merciless, iniquity, sin, it is a deception, a bait. Do not fall for it. The world is under the sway of the wicked one. He devours by mischief and he is an accuser, a law specialist. Even the greatest can fall, so when you think you stand, watch out, lest you

Sunday 13 July 2014


The institutions of this world are paper tigers. Like idols carved out of dead wood or stone, they have no power, but men stand in their stead, impose and mete out their harsh sentences, and ascribe it to the establishment.

These laws (which form the basis of democratic, social and economic institutions) while some for ease of governance include iniquity, and when other idols stand before God to receive their due according to their works, so will the system.

We cannot slay, covet, commit adultery, idolatry, steal and blame it on the liberties of the constitution, government or corporation. All these are non existent apart from the imagination of men. Works of men vainly hiding behind obscurities. But where on earth, heaven and hell can God not reach. He is King over both men and gods, and His sceptor.

God's expectation of every thing in existence, is righteousness. This will be attained in time, and so, why not build our empires on the basis of Gods principles, not the vanity of usury. Only such will survive beyond the current fast passing age.

Saturday 12 July 2014


The social, economic and political systems of this world, while increasing population of humanity, has supported and necessitated abortion, killing of children, wars, famine, poverty and hides in obscurity, like UN peace pact. Many are born into broken homes and live with no direction as parents are busy keeping them alive. The vanity of all this is that the children grow up to replicate the same life. But each is precious before God, and required to honor Him. Greed and pillage has led to increased anxiety as the world has been divided and assigned to few olygarchs. It is great men that hide behind the corporate and institutional veils to avoid accountability from men. They will be hidden from men, but certainly not from God. Justice needs to be restored to economic, social and political institutions in these last days. Men are human before markets, votes, subjects and servants. God would rather have mercy than sacrifice. Men in authority are hiding
behind systems and Laws. Both will be held to account.