Tuesday 15 May 2018

Christians with Demonic Oppression and Soul Ties

To understand demonic Oppression, it's important for Christians to be aware of their spiritual surroundings, otherwise reffered to as the powers, principalities and rulers in the "heavenly" places. The spirit world is referred to as "heavenly places" in scripture.

Knowledge of the workings of principalities and powers of this world means knowledge of how the powers of darkness interact with humanity (remember, this world in this age is ruled by powers of darkness.) For avoidance of doubt, there is a spiritual ruler over every soul, who in turn is subject to more powerful rulers, Princes and even Kings in a very long line that defines the principalities of geographical and spiritual heavenlies. 

Remember that God is still God over the gods of the earth. Though fallen, the realms of the Rulers are still answerable to God. God is a God of order. 

"To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,"

Why is the awareness of our spiritual surrounding important? Why is being aware of your physical surrounding important? Because its like being blind, you can stumble into a pit. Likewise spiritually, there exists entrapment in situations that take away peace or set you up for failure, bondage (actual bonding of two human spirits (one being a ruler) that results to the bonding spirit actually driving the person into regression, tiredness and even suicide). 

↔Oppressive Spiritual Powers

Beware of people who have a way of taking your peace "in jest". Avoid narcissists who put you down just as fast as they change from spiteful to friendly. The world is way ahead of christians in that you will find alot about energy. Its the same thing as saying that you are responsible for the energy you allow around you. Energy is power. A spiritual power in the heavenly (spiritual) places. Beware of the powers your friends carry around. 

I was of the school of thought that Christians are untouchable by demons. But make no mistake: Ephesians 6:11 is addressed to Christians, a demon is any spiritual being, power with negative effect.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

↔Oppressive Bondage by Rulers.
These will appear in dreams in form of people. If you ever have a dream in which you are held fast to a person either, a friendly hand over the shoulder, you holding them tightly or your hand drawing into their pocket, a hug etc, all that feel like their is a power keeping you pasted together or even if it's just a passing glance of you holding someone, is a sign of a spiritual bond.  

Spiritual bonds can form with known or unknown people or rulers. The result is that the bond gives them access to your spirit and its fullness. Your gifts and powers in other words. 

Some people refer to these kinds of rulers as spiritual husbands and/or wives because many times they rape their victims, stop their victims from getting married or work to destroy the marriages. The reason is that their bonds can be destroyed by another bond (marriage). 

↔Staying clean and spiritual warfare
Knowing is the first step. Never hesitate to command negative energy/power out of your presence as soon as you sense it. It does not have to be loud. Any threatening presence should be commanded to go.

↔To free yourself from bonding rulers. 
First, these bonds have the same properties that covenants do. I therefore suggest a private covenant ceremony with Christ (we already have the unchanging covenant of salvation so this is just for the resealing of your spirit and cutting off the intruding spirit. 

Lately I hold sword in my mind, swipe it down and all over my body prophetically to cut off any soul ties that may attach to me in the course of my days. 

Continuous prayers or staying in the presence of God also works in keeping youself surrounded with a protective shield and hold such off at a distance. 

 As a testimony, I once had a dream in which someone familiar came to me and gave me a friendly hug from my back. In the dream, I could sense a heavy dream coming but not quite putting me out. I knew somehow that that would be an abnormally heavy sleep. By God's grace, I was able to speak. I said to the person: [I feel heavy sleep is coming]. That ruler let go immediately and slipped out. It was a victory that only the Spirit of God could give. 

The reason why I felt a heavy sleep is that such a bondage keeps a person in slumber spiritually. In fact, one of the ways to know if you are affected is the inability to stay awake when you are most needed to - preparing for exams, interview, reading the bible etc

But if they got you, go warring. If unsure of how to pray, I recommend psalms or proverbs. Read through it converting those words to yours and you will have delivered very powerful prayers. Have the Oppressive demons as the focus in your mind as you read through. Loud or silently.

Have a liberating day⬇