Thursday 22 October 2020

Word of Knowledge: The Reed of the Maasai Nation

In my local dialect, "maasai" is a word used to mean "blood". Not so strange considering the tribe was founded by a Maasai man who settled amongst a Bantu people and had an agreement and became part of the new culture. We are referring to our progenitor.

The Maasai may look like a small tribe today. But don't be fooled. Many surrounding nations were either established by Maasai or heavily mixed with Maasai. They were a power to be reckoned with in East Africa, a super power in their hay days ... The Maasai are part of the Nilotes who were the great worriers of Egypt. In fact, it is thanks to the Maasai that most East African Bantus escaped slavery.

Maasai History

According to the tribe's own oral history, the Maasai originated north of Lake Turkana (north-west Kenya) in the lower Nile Valley. They began migrating south in the 15th century and arrived in the long trunk of land stretching across central Tanzania and Northern Kenya during the 17th and 18 century. The Maasai territory reached its most dominant size in the 19 century when they covered most of the Great Rift Valley and adjacent lands from Dodoma and Mount Marsabit.

It therefore touches a cord today, that I am talking about my "Maasai".

This is the word of the LORD concerning the Maasai ...

I want you to know the reed of the Maasai will be broken 

Now, this is how I understood this word as it was dropped on me...

The reed refers to the scepter of power of a rulership. The rulership is coming to an end .... 

I would like to compare this word with past prophecy in the bible:

"36:5 I say, sayest thou, (but they are but vain words) I have counsel and strength for war: now on whom dost thou trust, that thou rebellest against me?36:6

 Lo, thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed, on Egypt; whereon if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that trust in him. Isaiah"

Saturday 11 July 2020

Darkness Abounds: Changed in Climate and Time

First, before going into today's update on the dark spirit that is upon the land, let's go through afew preceding months of warnings, visitations and spiritual events. These are visions of the night/dreams ...

🌴🌴Red, Strong Wind
This was Revelation that I felt in my being as it happened to me. There was a cold wind, at night, a wind focused, like a beam, or a laser, from the sun. Though the sun had set, in my understanding, it was still at an angle (around the 4:00 O'Clock tropical position over the sky,) but covered in darkness. Blowing a cold wind. It felt like it had a metallic taste to it on hitting my flesh ... 

(This denotes the presence of a power on the earth ... One that is associated with the coming changes. Before these were fights, wars, between the principalities. Various levels at each other).

There was a wind blowing and I could see how strong it was over my window. Palm trees were being swayed in it's power. It was red. Colored by red dust.

The above was akin to 17/5/20
Rain had just started. The red dust was there too. I watched from a building with a huge glass screen. The wind came right at it but it held up... With it a strong magnetic charge necessitated shutting down electronic devices. After the wind, lightning, trees broken all over the overlooking plains.

I went out after it all subsided. I counted at least five dead elephants, adult and children. The press had already gotten wind of the deaths. They had been struck by something in the wind, I understood,

(My take: I take special note of the elephants death. This denotes a falling of a Principality as explained in this YouTube podcast )

🌠Meteors Also on 18/9/20
Revelation that meteors would hit the earth.

They had become so normal that at least one was were unexpectedly being caught by live broadcast. They hit a street and we just went about the city like it was normal.

(Right now we see them from afar, but they will start making impact and it will be frequent).

🌍Trembling Earth.

I was on the third floor of a cut out stone and concrete building. Life was ongoing, but underneath the earth was a continuous vibration. I lay my palm on the metallic grills that lined the corridors and felt it ... A low vibration, continuous. It felt like the vibrating of a phone on the hands.

(The earth is already vibrating. The Lord has shown me on a separate occassion that this is knowledge is kept away from the masses).

🔥🌧️Brimstone Rain

This was a prophecy within a dream. I was prophesying to people, standing and telling them of the things to come. I told of coming of brimstone rain. Rain in part and fire in part. The rain would fall everywhere, and as I spoke, the rain began, heavily raining on all of us. Its intensity varied, though it covered the earth.

(My take: These are part of the changes expected to come on earth with the solar system invasive brown dwarf that is expected to alter the sun, the atmospheric components, and the weather. It is confirmation that this event is nearer than believed).

🌊Warning for Jamaica

I visited the Island of Jamaica neighbouring the Americas. We were a group of people watching the seas over an artificial embarkment created to hold of overflowing sea waters. I met there Kenyans, speaking Swahili with them. I made a friend, that I urged to come with me to higher ground. You see, I understood that the sea was about to rise, that there was a disturbance in the known weather patterns that would cause the waters to overflow, yet many were oblivious. 

She agreed, and as we began going higher, the waves started swelling, one hitting the concrete embarkment with such force and the waters splashing over the coastal lands as rain. People took note, and started moving away from the sea waters. Running. 

A second wave came, higher than the first, and as we moved higher and further, it also, like the first, splashed.

The third wave was bigger, stronger. It hit the concrete and flew over it, not as showers this time, but as a solid body of waters, it fell over the lowlands and caught some of the people ... Swept them into the sea ... We gasped, hurried and up higher we went. Up there in the mountains were people in the caves, along some paths. At first, the thought was to flee to the mainland but the disturbance and rising of the waters would not allow a vessel on it, the Island was also vast, time was not on our side.

(My take ... To people of Jamaican, watch the waters. When the waters become angry, run to the mountains. There will be casualties).

🌀Downing of Planes

This was a vision of the night. All airborne planes coming down one by one. This was caused by changes in the atmosphere. I saw an arrangement of many Graves, where the casualties were burried, right where they fell. There was one particular plane that made headlines. It was a German owned plane. People knew of it's impending crash, and it was broadcast and followed by many. People spotted the exact place of the downfall and we all watched in awe as it cruised to it's terrible end. The Graves awaiting the passengers would be right where it fell.

(My take. I had believed that the grounding of planes at the beginning of the C*vid pandemic was permanent but in my understanding, of this, it is not so, the change of the atmosphere will be sudden enough to strike some planes).

Today's event:

🌀 Darkness Surround Us

Dark clouds started forming in the horizon. They looked like clouds full of rain but they darkened the entire area and I began to note that they were not your usual rain clouds. As they thickened and closed in on us, so did darkness as they blotted out the light of day. This was supposed to be daytime.

My heart failed. Fear gripped me. I realized it was a destruction on this age and I could not speak about it. It muzzled my voice so that I could not utter the happenings, to help people understand. There was a brother next to me, and I wanted to tell them the implications of the darkness, that it was here, but there was no power/counsel to enable me.

As this happened, I saw the armies of men preparing for war. Gathering. Usual day to day people.

(My take: The times of warnings are over. The great darkness is here ...)

Thursday 30 April 2020

Knowledge Concerning the Current Times

This was an early morning revelation through a dream.

A woman was narrating about the current times. About the earth shaking heavily though this was kept from the media and other places. Know that the earth is being shaken heavily,

The full, more detailed podcast is here:

Discernment of times: The Earth is shaking

This is an confirmation update of past prophecy getting fulfilled. Variously reported on you tube here:

My blog posts on shaking of the earth:
Message for Israel:

Message to Israel:There is no time left

Go to subtopic Sighting 9/1/10 on the post titled Africa

Africa: Prophecy of the coming changes

An earlier collection of media reports of evidence of a shaking earth

Last post on a Principality departing from Africa:

Previous post on the dragon taking over:

Remember: There is no time left ... 

Friday 24 January 2020

New Season Begins.

A new season has begun. Am still understanding the impact, but it is certainly a new dawn... The Dragon spiritually landed in Africa some time ago... so it may be a new sub - season within.  But this is what I saw:

I was crossing a channel to an Island. Under the water, there was a dragon ... gliding under the water fast heading towards the open oceans. 

Eventually the dragon glided into the sky quite effortlessly and flew into the horizon East ward over the Indian Ocean. This could mean a change of Principalities/ power over Africa. 

Let's pray for God to grant us grace as the powers shift.

A change is certainly here.

Friday 3 January 2020

Use Imagination to Activate Faith: Get Rid of Stubborn Demons

One of the most debilitating thing in Christianity is overthinking. Faith is one such over thought subject. Today's lesson is a demonstration of faith. Activate your faith. Just as you conceive imagination, by imagination see what you want by faith and treat that imagination like a fact. See spiritual bondages go.

You have to understand that thoughts are just as powerful as actions. As a man thinketh so he is ... it is written. And we are quick to ascribe this result to negative thoughts and forget that thoughts can be positive thoughts, thoughts of freedom, peace, love, oneness with Christ and the Father.

Today ... I want to demonstrate ... By the power of faith through your imagination, that faith is simple... And that your freedom from demonic bondage is just a thought away. As you think so it will be.

First, find a place with no distraction. You can sit, stand on your feet, and close your eyes. You don't have to close your eyes, this is for concentration only. Then using your imagination, see Christ, but don't give Him a face. We are about to join ourselves  to Christ so we cannot make a mistake of joining to some random white guy who acted the Jesus film or who is in a church poster. Don't give the Christ a race in your imagination. Let him be a Spirit ... 

Now remember this word ...

My father and I are one...

So we shall become one with Christ and His father too.

The Father and Christ should live in you, with you... You in God He in you"

You eyes remain closed. Now imagine you and Christ standing, you standing right where his feet are ... Imagine his body surrounding your body ... And Imagine your body becoming one with his body. Imagine your hair fusing into Christ's hair strand by strand 

Then let your head fuse with his head, your skin with his, your skull with his divine skull, your brain with his brain, move down your head the same way, imagining your every part fusing with Christ... Proceed to your entire body doing the same. Maintain the divine form of Christ by not imagining Him with a man's face. Go all the way to your toes joining yourself to Christ. Your Spririt to His. You shall thus become joined with Christ, and no demon will be able to attach itself to you when Christ is joined to you. Receive the peace of Christ, joy, peace, healing.

Now the first time you do this, you may feel the freedom that comes with demons leaving. They will try to come back. The sign of this attempt may be felt on your flesh as heaviness. Repeat the process until the heaviness goes away. One way of getting rid of the heaviness... Which may come due to demonic oppression in our lives, is by letting go of our SELF during the process of joining ouselves to Christ. The easiest way of doing this is again... By imagination... Imagine yourself disintegrating into individual cells... Into atoms... Into nothingness... And then let that nothingness be joined to Christ. It s a powerful discarding of the flesh.

The flesh(there is spiritual flesh) is our sinful being that is usually the point of attachment of demonic beings which come to our lives as oppressors, ether through covenant, bondage etc. It is where "soul ties" and "spiritual spouses(just a bondage)" happen.

Letting go of this flesh by diffusing it into nothingness completely and joining to Christ lives these demons nothing to hold on to. You can do this as many time as you wish. I always do this by imagining a gigantic sieve being swiped down my being and breaking my being into micro particles and further into air. If you flesh is broken like this(a broken and contrite spirit He will not despise), demons will not be able to cling to you. There is nothing to cling to. 

6:53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. (John)

Do this whenever you feel under spiritual attack, oppression or when you want a fresh fill of the Spirit of God