Monday 27 February 2012


Exposition of the Mystery of Babylon, The Ruling Principalities and Powers of the Earth.
The Babylonian principality was established in the days of Nimrod, the powerful descendant of Ham. Later elevated by the tower of babel, from which the name seems to originate. The Identity of a Kingdom or a principality isn't limited to a specific generation or to geography, as demonstrated in the vision of King Nebuchadnezer concerning the Kingdom of Babylon. It spanned four different identities, and historically, many more names and Kings. The special feature of this Kingdom However, is in its Identity as the Seat of the King of Kings, Under whom God had submitted other Kings of the earth. The Kingdom still is, in a blended in form within our society. The destruction of this city, its spiritual characteristics appearing in the revelation Ch.18 is in the end of the current age(Daniel 7, 8 & 9), the age in which the Kingdoms of the Earth are under the sway of the wicked one, and the ushering of the age of the reign of Christ, the age of righteousness.