Wednesday 22 July 2015

Kinds of Spiritual Power

Spiritual Power is of two kinds: evil, and good. This is what the fall of man is all about. Man who knew good chose to know evil too. Knowledge in the since of intimate association with these two kinds of powers.

Its easy to tell apart the two kinds of power. Based on the source. The character of the source is the powers of the source. Note how the distinction between what is of God and what is of the devil is made below;

Galatians 5:22 - But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23: Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24: And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Those affections and lusts that need to be crucified are actually powers that are destroyed by that which comes from God. Those powers are spirit. That means ability to control. Its why fear and anxiety, lust,  can exist without reason and seem to control man. And the writer implores man to walk in the way of righteousness...

Verse 26: Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

Gods power, unlike the powers of darkness, will not take over the will of man. The grace to overcome will be present, without pressure, and it is easy to ignore this Spirit that is many a time referee to as the quiet voice, a voice that fades away gradually when its ignored, till its mute. See, that's because when ignored, the powers of darkness gain ground, strength in the spirit of man, and the resultant silence is as a result of the ability of the powers of darkness - the powers of this age to blind the eyes of men. So watch out...this is the power of the gods of this world...wickedness.

That would call for a definition of wickedness- refer to the earlier topic, "What is Wickedness"
This is what it means to walk in the Spirit. To utilize the grace, the power of God against the powers of darkness;

V.25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Saturday 18 July 2015


The Son Of Man, Our Prince

There is a son of man who came down from heaven and lived as men, a short while, and he was bound, by the great men of the earth, tormented and killed. He bore the grief of men of the earth, and death arose against Him, the Son of God, unrepentant and still, yet another time, again and again, arising against the sons of peace, the brethren of Christ, swallowing and biting in and not getting satisfied.

But there is a time set, a time for the completion of the works of death, and for life, yet again, to triumph, to rule over death. That is what our Christ did on that day, when he descended to the depths of the earth, held captivity captive. That which holds the sons of men captive, that is in itself captive in the hands of our Lord. The son of man.

That is how He rules over principalities. It is the principalities that hold men captive, and by holding principalities(powers, and rulers of this world), he has in fact control, authority over them. That is why His place is above all of them. That is why, in his name, He who rules over the principalities, we triumph over the same principalities, rulers, and powers of the age. It is the name of a principality that is greater, higher than the principalities of men. The principality of peace, it is called, as is written.

That is the power of the Son of Man. Our Lord.