Sunday 27 March 2016


Many times people believe they are in the presence of God, when they are actually in the presence of demons.

The powers of darkness are just that. Powers. The presence of a Supernatural being in the material world (because these things are never that far, but mostly remain in the spirit realm) is power. Both the power of God and the power of demons can be sensed when they manifest in the material world. It's important to distinguish the two because the powers of darkness have negative effects. At the beginning, it entices and it's a presence you would want to linger in. But it's a trap.

>>>>Effects of the presence of demons to the christians partaking/lingering in their presence.>>>>

1.Quenches the spirit of God - It's corrupted form of glory that corrupts pure glory. It's like a fly that causes the ointment to stunk

2.Ressurection the flesh. The flesh is ressurection by the demonic presence or powers. The more you take in that presence, the more your flesh gets its urges satisfied. The rise of the flesh is equivalent to being demon possessed. It torments when their season comes. Because the spirit realm is restricted to seasons. Basically, this is a spirit joined to you that will rise Against you. Because it's a power of darkness. And that's what the devil does for a living.

3. Turns to a spiritual bondage. Following the above, the flesh will be like a door flung open for all kinds of mischief in the spirit realm. I have met people at this stage and they are at the age of madness, especially if they have been led (of course by their leaders) into engaging in spiritual warfare. This done when not in God's time with a weak spirit, which would be the case, can destroy. It breaks down a person - and it's the kind of season when you know your true friends.

If you are at this point, know that your are spiritually disrobed. Unclad with little power. Thr little power is enough to keep you in a safe place . The best thing to do is to calm down. The most important thing at such moment is inner peace, and it is hard to find but not impossible. This is why the church you join can be a matter of life and death.

The presence of demons for the elect is like a thorn planted in the flesh. It starts like something nice. But there are usually warnings, which is what I will be demonstrating;


1.A Light But Firm Grasp

It's like the feeling of walking through a place with balls of cotton floating around. You can feel as they come in contact and even grasp you firmly but they cannot drag you down.

This is actually one of a heightened presence that should be as a result of a great presence in the spirit.

2. Contraction Of The Body Muscles

This is a way of the Spirit of God in a righteous person being repelled by the presence of unholyness. It's almost like the same feeling one would have when they observed something they find repulsing. It can go as far as the teeth feeling the same way as when a person scratches their nails against a smooth surface.

This feelings would be ignored as at that time, your pastor is yelling about the presence of God at that place. So you say, and get spiritually disrobed in the process.

3. The Warm and Fuzzy Feeling.

This is sudden warmth filling you. You feel it in your flesh(as involving the senses as opposed to your spirit(which does not involve the flesh).

Things that the flesh rejoices in should be re analysed.

4. Electric Current.

The powers of darkness are many times manifested in this form. It's a combination of the feeling of repulse and a force full penetration of the flesh by a current that you would feel as if it were a real electric current.

5. Feeling Dizzy, Dazed

This is also one of the demonstrations I've seen in the presence of a powerful Demon. Am sure you've come across people either in traditional African religion or even on Christian t.v, or you local church, with people looking dazed and doing these back and forward movement of their upper body. They are experiencing that kind of a presence.

6. Pain That Is Intangible

You can even give a sharp scream but immediately arise and think, what was that? There was pain (especially in the stomach) but it wasn't really there.

Some would describe it like this: - I felt like something grabbed my stomach and painfully squeezed it.

Leave quietly from such Places. At times, the safest churches are places where nothing seems to be happening.


The presence of God is in God's Character. Who God is will become his presence. One major distinction from demons is that God ignores the flesh. His presence does not have the effect of pride, self importance or seduction that accompanies the presence of demons.

1. Love

Realization of God's love to you and other men. This sounds simple but it's not. It is an actual, sudden flow of this revelation into your spirit.


Being filled with joy in its simplicity.

3. Peace

The feeling of relief. An unsettled soul or anxious spirit suddenly becomes calm. It's the feeling of offloading a heavy burden or being hit by a breeze of cold, moist air on a hot day.

5. A Seasonal Word

The presence of God is really quiet.  The right word for the season will be brought to your understanding.

6. Felt Actual Power But It feels Like Nothing
At times, God's power can be dramatic. It can feel like something just hit you, but that thing was a huge ball of nothing. It just hit off the spirit and cleansed it and left peace.

The power or presence of God is simple. It does not impose or cause discomfort. And it relieves and fills with peace, love and joy. It also comes with the power/Command to wage war. The understanding in the presence of God will help with the knowledge of what the power is for.

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