Saturday 9 November 2019

Command Your Sacrifice/Offering

Offerings and sacrifices need to be given direction by naming them. The Temple of Moses had Sin Offerings, Peace Offerings, Peace Offerings, Tithe (10%), etc. They were named (and became respectfully effective) according to the purpose of the giver. That is what we are missing.

It is common for believers to fast without direction. To give without naming the offering. To sacrifice without giving the sacrifice an assignment. This is a wasteful way of giving. The Angels are waiting around you for counsel to act. Angels are a disciplined force, they act according to their assignment ... it's your gift that gives them an assignment. Is it peace, thanksgiving, forgiveness, protection, supplication ...? Name it. 

Modern sacrifices are not cows, sheep, goats and other items of the old temple. Christ introduced the concept of worship in the spirit. God, the ruler of ALL, named HIS offering. The human spirit can now access God by reason of the Covenant /sacrifice of the messiah. Make your requests known to God when you pray. Ask and you shall receive.

There are more opportunistic demons roaming around us than there are people, seeking to entrap. That is why you can't afford to stop wasting your offering. If you have set aside days to fast; know why. What is your aim? Daniel fasted to know what was coming upon Israel,  and through his fast, the Angel was able to wage war on the ruling principality of the earth just to reach Daniel. That's how powerful the sacrifice of fasting is.

Christ went for a 40 day fast in the wilderness before he started ministry. The Son of God used to wake up early ... Christ!! 

Christ was aware of the presence of the earthly principalities. Even HE needed an offering to break through the veil that keeps us bound in this mortal world. He woke up early in the dead of the night to pray... The Son of God arose early to pray!!! He needed to breakthrough ( the breaking of this world's spiritual veil). This should demonstrate why there is such a drastic difference between what the early church did and what we do - with our complacent Christian misleading  doctrines.

Remember when Christ was asked why His disciples didn't fast? Like John the Baptist's disciples? He answered that HE was with them. They had the Holy Principality with them. But He would be taken away (from the mortal/Ruled by demons realm, the principality of men) and they would fast. They did quicky learn to fast and pray and break bread after Christ left this realm. 

The final point is ... name your offering. Let God ... let the Angels surrounding you know what you are assigning them to... 

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